Know what’s for dinner every night with this printable weekly menu planner. The worst part of my day is 4pm. I know I need to start thinking about what I will be cooking for dinner, but usually don’t have a plan. Even though when I go grocery shopping I buy things with a few meals …
This printable rustic wall calendar will help keep your family & life organized! Updated with new calendars every year! I am so happy that today’s project is finally done. It’s such an easy project, one that I have been meaning to do for a while now, but just never got around too. I actually designed …
Create an easy to manage chore chart for kids with this chore system. Finding a kids chore system that works is not easy. But we have finally found the perfect chore chart and reward system that helps our kids succeed! This chore system not only helps our kids understand the importance of doing their part …
Upcycle cardboard boxes into these easy drop cloth storage boxes for only a couple dollars. One of my favorite parts of our new $100 master closet makeover are these easy drop cloth storage boxes. Cover any extra boxes your have with inexpensive but sturdy drop cloth for the perfect storage solution. Instead of hanging tanks …
Organize your kitchen drawers and keep them organized with vinyl kitchen utensil drawings. This month’s Silhouette Creator’s Challenge is organization. When I heard that I knew immediately I wanted to use it to finally get our kitchen drawers organized. For something that I use multiple times each day, it is sad it took me so long …