Create an easy to manage chore chart for kids with this chore system.
Finding a kids chore system that works is not easy. But we have finally found the perfect chore chart and reward system that helps our kids succeed!
This chore system not only helps our kids understand the importance of doing their part around the house, but it also teaches our kids the value of their work, how to save for things they want, and delayed gratification.
It really checks off so many boxes, and isn’t too complicated for us to manage.
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Best part is, I am sharing all the details of our new summer chore system with a printable chore chart and reward chart.

When trying to come up with the perfect kids chore system, there are so many option out there. You can do wheels and stickers, rewards and bribes. We used our simple Printable Daily Chore Charts and Printable Summer Chore Charts for the past couple years.
However, now our kids are getting older and we want their chore charts to be a bit more than just a list of things we want them to do.

If the kids do or do not complete their chores or daily tasks, they need to have consequences. The same way it is in real life.
And if they choose not to do their work for many days in a row, then what?
Every day is a new day with a simple chart? Not anymore!
How The Kids Chore Token System Works
The kids are paid in tokens for doing the things that are expected of them. These tokens become their currency for things they can buy (no tokens = no TV or computer).
If they choose to not do what is expected of them for multiple days, they have no money for things they want.

But if the kids really want something, they can do extra chores. Hurray for mommy (because otherwise I would never get my baseboards washed). Then they can earn more tokens to work towards the big rewards faster.
What makes this kids chore system work is the Rewards Store! And don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be fancy.
One of our kids favorite rewards is “Extra Snuggles at Bedtime”. Those extra 10 minutes to cuddle and read a story make them feel so special. But before they can cash in on any rewards, they have to have completed their list of daily tasks (except time sensitive stuff like dinner dishes & take out the trash).

Does this mean our kids always clean their bedrooms. Nope!
But they do not ask for TV or computer time because they know they have not completed their daily tasks. Some weeks, the kids do not clean their rooms at all. They just hang out there playing or reading.
But most weeks they are eager to get things done so they can cash in on their rewards.
The Rewards Store
The Rewards Store has 3 different types of rewards. One set of rewards they can cash in once every day if they have the tokens for it. These are super simple rewards like 30 minutes of TV or video games, a treat, or extra snuggles at bedtime.
And for summer I added the much anticipated “Stay up late” reward!

There are also larger rewards that can be cashed in once a week or once a month. The weekly rewards are bigger, but still very attainable.
Then there are the monthly rewards that require them to save their tokens for multiple days, even weeks, to earn. This is where the kids chore system is pure gold!
It teaches the kids to work hard and save for long term goals. If they want to cash in on those bigger rewards they have to avoid cashing in tokens on all the daily and weekly rewards, or they need to do extra work to earn them.
Just like in the real world!

For our tokens, we use these inexpensive poker chips. They do not have number amounts printed on them so we just made up what would work for us.
Then we made fun token banks for the kids to store their earned tokens in. They are responsible for not loosing their tokens (or playing with them). If tokens are found left around the house, they go back to the bank and the kids loose them.
Again, just like money in the real world!

We truly love our new kids chore system. It is easy enough for mom & dad to manage, but really helps us to teach the kids the things they will need to become adults.
We also let this be a flexible chore system for our family. When we have company coming over, it becomes double points day for any extra chores. Or if someone brings home an exceptional report card, we can reward them with extra tokens that they can use for the rewards they want.
And when we are busy doing a crazy DIY (like the kitchen remodel), we can make all rewards double for the day so they get twice the TV time for the same price.

Download the Chore Chart System
Since we love our new kids chore system so much, we want to share it with you.
You can start your own chore system ASAP with the editable PDF version of our chose chart. It comes with a Daily Tasks and Rewards Charts that you can edit anytime you need, including the token amount!
But if you want a more custom chart, you can purchase it here in the shop here. I will custom format the number of tasks, chores and rewards plus the token amounts and colors. Then you can get your kids ready and excited to start earning and saving and getting things done!
And now hopefully we can all be a little more productive!
Thursday 18th of May 2023
Hi Katie, I just bought the chore chart as well and would love some editing directions. The chips are black and white and when I try to save my text edits it tells me I have to have the owners password to save it. Am I missing something?
Saturday 8th of July 2023
@Natasha, Oh no, same and I emailed this exact question. Seeing as how there's no comment here, I'm a little worried. Also how do we get the token pictures down to the reward page?? Have you been able to edit the text on the pdf?
Sunday 5th of March 2023
Hello Katie!
I purchased the Kids Chore Chart. I am wondering why the tokens are black and white? I absolutely love the idea of using poker chips and wanted to use the same. Do you know how I change the color of the tokens?
Thank you so much for all your great ideas!
Sunday 12th of June 2022
Hi! This looks great. I am curious though. It looks like a child could save up and reach a big monthly reward by the first week. What then would you do? Seems it would be better if either the tokens were worth less or the rewards cost more. Thoughts?
Monday 13th of June 2022
Madelyn, thank you for your compliment! The beauty of this system is it can be adjusted for each families unique situations. To our family, teaching delayed gratification is very important. This is why we have big goals to encourage saving. We set "big prizes" to something our kids would want and that were comfortable to us. The "only once a month" means that even if they did get it the first week, it would be at least three more weeks to get another one. My kids like having treats, electronics, and extra snuggles and rarely get the "big rewards". I am currently working on scaling up the system as my kids are getting older, so look for that updated post in the coming months!
Amanda Lanthier
Sunday 21st of March 2021
Disappointed...I signed up and got the password. It does not allow you to download the chore poker chip chart. I feel tricked into signing up and not ending up with anything.
Sunday 21st of March 2021
The link to download is working, when you click it instead of opening automatically it downloads to your phone or computer. Have you looked in your downloads folder?
Sunday 2nd of August 2020
Hello! I am so excited for this chart. I think it will really help my boys keep up with their chores since they will be able to "cash in" daily for something small! I had a question about the poker chip "values". I noticed you had 1 on blue, 2 on red and 5 on black. Do they take on that value like money? So if they earn a red chip they are getting 1 red chip that is worth 2, right?
Thursday 13th of August 2020
Yes, that color of chip is that value. So when they earn or redeem they have that value. Also, we use the other color in our set (white) as a high value that they cannot earn, but can cash in chips to save for bigger things.